5G-mMTC workshop at Dubaï

[🚀 Looking back at a groundbreaking event: Mediane Systeme's 5G-mMTC Workshop at Canadian University Dubai 2024]

Médiane Système had the privilege of hosting an exclusive workshop on 5G for IoT technology at the Canadian University Dubai last week, as part of the Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (hashtag#GIIS 2024).

🌍 For its first venture outside Europe, Mediane Systeme carefully chose the Middle East, focusing particularly on the UAE, inspired by its dynamic policies and efforts in IoT and 5G integration. This will definitely shape their future expansion in the region.

The speakers explained the vast potential of hashtag#5G for hashtag#IoT, highlighting its pivotal role in enhancing speed, data management, energy efficiency, security, and reliability.

The event showcased the transformative power of hashtag#5G-mMTC across various sectors, featuring key studies like EDF's efficient network management automation and the 🚲Fédération Française de Cyclisme's innovative application of this cutting-edge technology.✨ These examples highlighted the transformative impact of 5G technology across diverse sectors and demonstrated the real-world applications and benefits of 5G-mMTC especially for the 4.0 industry.

🙏A heartfelt thank you to all attendees, speakers, and partners who made this event a success. Their enthusiasm and curiosity towards embracing and implementing 5G technology pave the way for a smarter, more connected future.

To know more about the workshop check

Some LinkedIn posts : 👉 Before the workshop 👉 During the workshop 👉 After the workshop

Some press releases

👉Arabian Reseller 👉 Arab News 👉 GoDubai 👉 Business Press